Como Comunicarse Durante la Cuarentena - Klibtech

How to Communicate During Quarantine

Currently many people around the world have seen the change in time to interact with others. We know that communicating is a constant need in different areas such as work, family, among others. So the concern arises: How to communicate with others?

You have to understand that for some forms of interaction with others it helps and allows you to feel much closer to others to be able to see them; In other cases, only verbal or written communication works, which provides other nuances of communication that ignore facial or body expressions.

Video conference

This means of communication can be achieved with different alternatives such as:


Microsoft Teams vs Skype for Business — get to know Teams

Currently, Skype seems to be fulfilling its cycle like predecessors of the past such as Messenger, but it has begun to be replaced by Microsoft Teams, which are easy-to-use applications since they can be used with applications for PCs, Smartphones and Tablets.


This application is Google's new offering to provide an attractive alternative to users in terms of video conferencing, currently providing alternatives for quarantine time such as increasing the number of participants, recording meetings, among other things.

Goodbye Google Hangouts, Hello Google Meet - Banca NEWS - News and ...

Obviously, those of us who know Google know that it is a "Retread" of Hangout, this new setting that has been a pleasant brand for users of the GSuite service.


This application has given a lot of talk in recent years within the corporate world, which has allowed itself to be integrated with hardware from other brands such as Logitech, Polycom, Crestron, Yealink, among others.

ZOOM Video Conferencing Solution |

Obviously, its software has led it to position itself since its service has given confidence to many companies, and it has also been strengthened in educational environments as well as for ordinary people who need to communicate with their loved ones.


For lovers of IPHONE and its APPLE ecosystem, this option cannot be missing, since its latest versions allow the possibility of having sessions with more than 2 people, sharing content and using augmented reality emojis during your calls.

▷ FaceTime on Android? This is all you can do

It is clear that this application has had its critics since it is a luxury exclusive to the IPHONE, giving something to talk about when a user has their loved ones with Android or Windows options for PC options. But it had to be on the list because we must not deny that many IPHONEs are sold in the world.


The Asian giant is one of the most representative communications software that has been growing in the West since many Chinese factories encourage their clients to communicate frequently through this medium. That is why this application currently has its group video conference version, also allowing you to share documents, videos, among others, in addition to being able to make purchases through this means in the eastern market.

How to Record WeChat Video Call on Smartphones


Speaking of giants, this is the American giant that has a great track record not only in software but also in hardware, allowing local and remote communication in a public and private manner. In its latest delivery it allows its software to be easily integrated into our equipment.

Cloud Calling, Video Conference, Voip Phone | Cisco Webex


This may be the most used option today by everyone who uses a cell phone, and it is why not the first application that a user looks for on their cell phone. Whatsapp is attributed with great changes in communications such as free calls to other Whatsapp users for free from your cell phone (Obviously it consumes your data).

Video calls and calls to social groups are coming to Android...

Currently, the application has allowed group calls that allow up to 8 participants at the same time, giving interesting possibilities to carry out these necessary communications for us.


Currently we can no longer simplify it to a normal social network, we know that Facebook is the largest social network in the world and that it allows you not only to share statuses or have your network of friends and acquaintances. We know that Facebook is an ecosystem that even allows you to develop very interesting businesses on its platform.

Photo 1: Take advantage of Facebook Messenger group video calls...

In the field of video conferencing, Facebook offers us its version of messenger to create groups and hold your meetings with the greatest peace of mind.

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